Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)

Australia is one of the most popular destinations for skilled workers looking to build a career and a new life in a new country. With its vibrant economy, diverse culture, and high standard of living, Australia offers a wealth of opportunities for skilled professionals from all over the world. The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is one of the most sought-after visas for skilled workers looking to migrate to Australia permanently. This visa offers a range of benefits, including permanent residency, freedom to work and study, and access to healthcare and social security benefits. In this article, we will explore the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) in more detail, including its eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits.


What is the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)?

The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is a type of permanent residency visa that allows skilled workers to live and work in Australia without the need for sponsorship from an Australian employer or family member. This visa is points-tested and is designed for individuals who have the skills and qualifications that are in demand in the Australian labour market. The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is part of Australia's General Skilled Migration (GSM) program, which is aimed at attracting skilled workers who can contribute to the Australian economy.

It's important to note that the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is different from other Australian work visas, such as the Employer-Sponsored visa or the Business Innovation and Investment visa. The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) does not require sponsorship from an Australian employer or business, nor does it require a significant investment in the Australian economy. Instead, this visa is based on an individual's skills, qualifications, and ability to contribute to the Australian economy. Additionally, this visa is only available to individuals who meet specific eligibility criteria, including age, occupation, skills assessment, English language proficiency, and character and health requirements.

Benefits of the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)

The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) offers a range of benefits to skilled workers who wish to migrate to Australia permanently. One of the key benefits of this visa is that it provides permanent residency to eligible applicants. This means that visa holders can live and work in Australia indefinitely, providing them with greater security and stability in their new home.

Another benefit of the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is that it provides visa holders with the freedom to work and study in any field they choose, without the need for sponsorship from an Australian employer or family member. This can be particularly attractive to individuals who want to have control over their own career path and explore different job opportunities in Australia.

Visa holders are also entitled to access healthcare and social security benefits in Australia, including Medicare, the country's public healthcare system. This can provide a sense of security and peace of mind, particularly for individuals who may need to access medical care while living in Australia.

Unlike some other Australian work visas, such as the Employer-Sponsored visa, the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) does not require sponsorship from an Australian employer or family member. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who do not have a job offer in Australia but still wish to migrate to the country permanently.

Visa holders can also travel in and out of Australia as many times as they wish, providing flexibility and the ability to maintain connections with family and friends in other countries. Additionally, after a period of time, visa holders may be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship, providing them with even greater opportunities to live, work and study in Australia.

Eligibility for the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)

To be eligible for the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189), you must first be invited to apply. To do this, you must submit an expression of interest (EOI) to let the authorities know that you would like to apply for the visa. Once you have submitted an EOI, you will be ranked against other intending applicants, and you may be invited to apply for the visa. Invitations are issued regularly through SkillSelect.

To have a valid application, you must also have a suitable skills assessment at the time of invitation. Delegates of the Minister will now accept a suitable skills assessment for an applicant’s nominated skilled occupation, which has been obtained within the 60-day invitation period. Your skills assessment must have been obtained in the 3 years before the date of your invitation. If your skills were assessed on the basis of a qualification you obtained in Australia when you held a student visa, the qualification must be from studying a course registered on CRICOS.

You must be aged under 45 when you are invited to apply for the visa. If you turn 45 after you submit your EOI but before you are invited to apply, you will not be invited to apply.

This is a points-tested visa, and you must be able to score at least 65 points to be eligible. When you submit your EOI in SkillSelect, you will be given an indicative points score based on the claims you have made. If you do not obtain a score of 65 points, you will not be invited to apply for this visa. When you lodge your application, you must provide evidence supporting your claims.

At the time of invitation, you must have at least competent English, and your occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations for the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) Point-Tested stream. You and any family who apply for the visa with you must also meet the health and character requirements. If requested, family members not accompanying you to Australia might also need to meet the health requirement.

If you or any family members (including those who do not apply for the visa with you) owe the Australian Government money, you or they must have paid it back or arranged to pay it back. Additionally, if you are 18 years of age or older, you must have read, or had explained to you, the Life in Australia booklet, and confirm that you will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws when you sign or accept the Australian Values Statement.

Finally, you may not be eligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused while you were in Australia. It is important to check if visa cancellation affects your eligibility before applying.

Application process for the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)

The application process for the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) involves several steps. The first step is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect, which is an online platform used by the Australian government to manage the skilled migration program. In the EOI, you will need to provide information about your qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency. Based on the information you provide, SkillSelect will assign you a points score, and you will be ranked against other intending applicants.

If you are invited to apply for the visa, you will need to submit a formal application within 60 days of the invitation. You will need to provide evidence of your skills assessment, which must have been obtained within the 60-day invitation period. You must also demonstrate that you meet the age requirement, which is under 45 years of age at the time of invitation. Additionally, you must score at least 65 points on the points test, which takes into account factors such as age, language proficiency, work experience, and education.

You will need to provide documentation to support your claims, such as qualifications, references, and language test results. You must also meet the health and character requirements and pay any outstanding debts to the Australian government. If you are successful in your application, you will be granted a visa that allows you to live and work in Australia permanently.

It is important to note that the application process for the Skilled Independent visa can be complex and time-consuming. It is recommended that you seek advice from a registered migration agent or a lawyer who specializes in immigration law to assist you with your application. They can help you navigate the application process, ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements, and provide guidance on how to maximize your points score.


In conclusion, the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is an attractive option for skilled professionals who want to work and live in Australia. With its point-based system, applicants have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and qualifications and potentially receive an invitation to apply for the visa. However, it is important to ensure that all eligibility requirements are met and that the application is submitted correctly to avoid delays or rejection.

Potential applicants are advised to carefully review the requirements and gather all necessary documentation before submitting their expression of interest (EOI) through SkillSelect. It is also important to seek advice from a registered migration agent or other qualified professional to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

Overall, the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) provides a valuable opportunity for skilled professionals to work and live in Australia, contribute to the country's economy, and potentially even qualify for permanent residency. With proper preparation and attention to detail, this visa can be a pathway to a fulfilling and successful career in Australia.

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